
Available since OmniFaces 3.14

The MutableRequestFilter will wrap the incoming HttpServletRequest in a MutableRequestFilter.MutableRequest so that the developer can mutate the headers and parameters in such way that the outcome of among others HttpServletRequest.getHeader(String) and ServletRequest.getParameter(String) are influenced.


To get this filter to run, map it as follows in web.xml:


The ordering of the <filter-mapping> is significant. The MutableRequestFilter.MutableRequest is not available in any filter which is mapped before the MutableRequestFilter.


When inside FacesContext, use Faces.getMutableRequestHeaderMap() or Faces.getMutableRequestParameterMap(). Or when having only a HttpServletRequest at hands, use Servlets.getMutableRequestHeaderMap(HttpServletRequest) or Servlets.getMutableRequestParameterMap(HttpServletRequest).